You often hear about investing, but if you haven’t before, where do you start?  It can seem complicated and confusing but it doesn’t have to be.

Investing For the Long-Term

The most important tip when starting out investing is to focus on your long-term goal. To find success in the stock market, you have to be patient, not even the experts know what the market will do.  As in real estate, over the long term we know the market will grow.  If you can ignore the short-term swings and keep your eye on the long term, you will be a successful investor.

Choosing The Right Broker

Step 1 is to figure out which broker is right for you. We all have different needs and investing strategies, and it is important to do research to find the right broker for you.

First decide what sort of investing you’d like to do (research online or contact me for a recommendation), and then decide how you feel about that broker.  You will want to pay attention to fees. The less you pay, the more money you keep. If an investment charges higher fees, it doesn’t mean it is a better investment. There is zero correlation between the two.

You will be a successful investor over the long term if you develop good habits from the start. This means you need to invest for the long term, choose a broker that meets your needs, and pay attention to the fees your investments charge you.

If you can do these things, you will see your investments grow over time and they will help you to achieve the financial freedom you are looking for.

Know anyone with investing success stories?  Please reach out to me and let me know!  And if you need a referral to a broker let me know, I’m always happy to help.