You can do it yourself!  And just because you do it yourself doesn’t mean anyone needs to know you didn’t hire a professional!  Here are some pro tips sure to make your next project fun, easy and looking PRO!

1. Use Fabric Softener to Keep Bristles Soft

When not soaked properly brushes can become hard and unusable – there’s an easy way around that.  After you’re done for the day, rinse the brushes thoroughly without soap – and then dip in a mixture of fabric softener and warm water (half a cup of softener to a gallon of warm water) for 10 seconds or so.  Then dry flat – the softener will aid in distributing paint more evenly.

2. With Wrap, No Mishap

When painting near large items or floors, or even toilets or sinks, surround it with plastic wrap to keep drips from destroying its finish.  There are also wraps with an adhesive backing — which will help it stick to the surface and prevent the odd drop from inching its way in. Once you’ve finished the job, just unwrap for a paint-free finish.

3. Reduce Paint Odor

Simple household items like plain old vanilla extract and powders are really good at overpowering the paint smell. There are vanilla-scented products specifically designed to use with paint, you can get the same effect with what’s in your kitchen cabinet.  ACE, Lowe’s and Home Depot have them.

4. Repurpose Old T-Shirts as Rags

Painting is fun, but it can tend to be messy.  Paper towels are inefficient and wasteful – cut up old T-shirts to use as rags, and save your pennies. By keeping a rag in your pocket or near you you’re able to quickly contain a spill.

5. Q-tips for Corners

Oh no! A drop of Naples Sunset just splashed on your white window frame. You’ve only got a few minutes to clean up the mess before your mistake is sealed for eternity. That’s where Q-tips come in handy. Just stash some in your pocket for these types of emergencies.  You can also use them to do touch-ups.

6. Keep it Clean with Vaseline

Petroleum jelly will keep your paint job clean – just go over all the places you don’t want painted, like screws or hinges.  Run petroleum jelly along the seals of your doors and windows to prevent them from sticking, too.

7. Apply Heat for Easy Tape Removal

Help stubborn painter’s tape by turning on a hair dryer (low heat only). Hold it roughly 3-5 inches from the wall to help soften the adhesive and ensure an even line, making removal a stress-free affair — and ensuring you keep that dreamy, crisp paint line.

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